So, I figured it couldn't hurt to give you a little background on how my happy lucky life got started.....
I grew up in Laguna Beach, a very small know-everyone kind of town. I went to preschool, elementary school, high-school (etc.) with all of the same people, and even worked at the same places as a lot of my friends (summer festivals, local surf shops, etc.). After growing up, going to college, and starting my own independent grown up life, I found myself living down in San Diego in a long-term relationship with someone (for 4.5 years) that ultimately ended with us going our separate ways. During those 4.5 years, people often said to me "When you know, you know", but in my opinion (and in his) 4.5 years is far too long to try to figure out if you "know" know!? (haha). So after that relationship came to an end, I was heartbroken (to say the least) and a little bit gun shy. I remember thinking "Where do I go from here?"....."Why do I have to start over now!!!??!". At this point, I was 30 yrs old and nowhere close to where I wanted to be - or so I thought!!
Needless to say, I was not looking forward to dating again AT ALL, but knew that I would have to get back on the horse sometime. Shortly after the break-up, the holiday season began. I went to a holiday girls dinner at my sisters house, and a friend of mine posted a picture on Facebook of all of us girls in front of the tree. That same evening, I got a FB email from a long lost friend. His name is Josh and he happened to be a FB friend of the girl that posted the picture. He said that he instantly recognized me and that he couldn't help but say hello! It had been 15 years since he and I had been in touch, so to say that I was surprised to hear from him would be an understatement. He was older than me so we never went to school together, but we worked together for several summers at The sawdust Festival. I worked at the kids arts and crafts booth and he was Grounds Security. I was happy to hear from him, so I responded to his email briefly filling him in on what was going on, but was still feeling pretty down overall, so I said that we should keep in touch and that I'd probably feel more social after the holidays were over. He said that he of course understood, and was looking forward to catching up. After Christmas, he emailed again, checking in on me to see how I was holding up (which I thought was very sweet). We emailed back and forth a few times getting each other up to speed on what we each had been up to, and he emailed me a Happy New Year email on Jan 1st. At that time, I thought to myself "Ok, shake it off!! It's a new year! It's time to move forward".
On January 2nd (a Saturday) a friend of mine came down to San Diego to hang out and we went to dinner. She and I were both single and were trying to be supportive and encouraging to one another. "This is our year" we both said!! Repeatedly!!! When dinner was over and my friend headed home, I logged on to FB, and almost immediately, an IM popped up from Josh. Long story short, he and I "chatted" from 11:00 pm until almost 4 in the morning. We both were enjoying getting to know each other again. When we finally came to our senses and started to wrap up our conversation, Josh suggested that we get together sometime soon, and I said "Sure, when?" and he said "How about tonight". I was slightly confused being that it was 4 am, and I knew he wasn't going to get in his car to come hang out right then. To me it was still "tonight", but I soon realized that he meant Sunday night, and I said "Sure!!". I was actually very excited for the first time in a while.
He came down and took me to dinner and a movie. We had a great time, and agreed to do it again soon. We both immediately felt a very strong connection. We knew the same people and the same places. It just felt......easy! He called me the next day and asked me to come up to his house on Wednesday so he could cook me dinner. I went, and from that point forward, it was him and me!! Together!! Some people thought that we may have jumped in to things too quickly, but he and I felt differently. It just felt right!
First date: January 3rd, 2010
Moved in together: February 16th, 2010
Engaged: March 22nd, 2010 (1 day before I turned 31)

Married: August 22nd, 2010 :) (pictures to come)
When you know, you know!!