Monday, October 29, 2012

{Crafting, Planting, & My Boy}

Happy Monday people :)

I wanted to share a quick "craft" (if you can call it that) that I did yesterday. I have been wanting to make a chalkboard like so many people have up in their homes these days, but hadn't seen a frame that I loved . . . until . . . . now :). While perusing Hobby Lobby with my sis, I happened upon a large rustic frame that I loved, & frames at Hobby Lobby are always 50% off, so I couldn't pass it up.

First I removed the glass and *attempted* to spray it with chalkboard spray paint....

Yes, I say attempted because I am a total moron and messed up right out of the gate :/. I pulled the little "spray thingy" out prior to spraying it (because I am a rookie and thought it was a "remove-before-using" plastic thingy)....

Umm...not so much. It definitely needed to be there to avoid the GIANT mess that I made. Giant drips all over the glass & tarp and tons of leaky paint down the side of the can (as you can plainly see) - Uggggh! Right when I put it back in it sprayed like a dream. Duh.

Anyway, here she is all sprayed and pretty....
..but then, another rookie move was that I loaded the glass back in prior to "conditioning" the chalkboard. I didn't want to get all of the chalk dust all over the frame, so out the glass went (again),

 it got "conditioned" (rubbed from top to bottom with chalk),
and then put back in it's place. I then gave it some chalk-pen love, and voila!! :) here she is all finished.....

I am really happy with the rustic frame and the large size that I chose. It was worth all of the trouble ;)

In other news, I finally bought/planted a dwarf lemon tree :)  I have always wanted to plant one. Those little lemons are so cute...

...I of course forgot to take a picture of it actually planted, but it's in a giant pot in my backyard. I know that they yield more fruit when they are planted in the ground, but this home is a rental, and I wanted to be able to take it with when we move, so a pot it is. I am super excited to watch the lemons grow (if my black thumb allows them to, that is).

And, while my hands were all "soily", I decided to go ahead and pot my cute little succulents in the kitchen window....

ahhh, milk glass - I love you!

Oh, and one last thing. I decided to try the rug here.....

I know it kind of dwarfs the coffee table even more than before, but in person, I like the overall look. It's different. It catches the eye. If it stays there, I plan to change the pillows to something neutral because it's just too much pattern going on all at once, but I am letting it marinate for a bit. I think I like it :) We shall see.

And last but not least, a tiny bit of Oliver goodness to start off your week right....

Have a great week :)



  1. the rustic frame is perfect- in the end it turned out fabulous!
    and i love that boy. and you.

  2. haha, you are too funny sis! I think the chalkboard struggle made it even sweeter in the end. Now hang that sucker up! Love the rug there, I think it looks great :)
    Kiss MY boy for me. I love him so.

  3. The chalkboard turned out so great, despite the struggles, nice work! We've all been there making silly mistakes. And the rug looks really good in there. :)

  4. chalk board is awesome, but my favorite part of this post is how stylish little Oliver is in his denim shirt! such a cutie (and seriously stylish)

  5. Actually he's a ton of goodness. Please don't call names to my very talented, sweet, beautiful daughter-in-law. You are certainly no moran and I should know. XXOO
