Friday, January 31, 2014

Back again......'s been about a year since I last blogged and my mother-in-law (one of my 4 loyal readers) worried that I had lost my inspiration. Well....I kind of did (a little), but more so than that, finding a way to juggle a toddler, being pregnant again (Yay!! Baby Boy #2 due in May, 2014!),

and my general laziness that tends to trump all (Ugh - I need to change this stat) has been a challenge. I am with some new inspiration.....Baby #2's nursery!

Unfortunately, his nursery is also our guest room for the time being, so it has a queen sized bed smack dab in the middle. I am going to try to "hide it" as best as I can, and there is still plenty of room for his nursery essentials (crib, changing table/dresser, rocking chair, etc.), but it is not going to be as grand of a room as Oliver had when he joined our family (shown in this previous post). But, alas, it will still be very fun, and like Oliver's room, it will reflect my version of a "boy's style" (no airplanes or baseball's for us over here, sorry ;) )

I plan to tackle some small DIY projects, and to re-use some things that I already have on hand. I have also acquired a few new things as well as some "new-to-me" things that have been steals of deals!!! So exciting!

This is the general idea/vibe so far......

Crib     Bumper    Chair     Blanket

I'll check in again as nursery-palooza continues, but for now, I hope you like where it's headed. I know it's not "traditional boy", but I like it so far.

Also, Oliver will be 2 on the 17th of February, and has been such a joy to our entire family. Here is some of his cuteness in action......

(I am biased, I know, but I simply can't get enough of him (on most days ;) )

Thanks for reading! I'll be back soon :)



  1. Yay!! Love you and that boy. And the bun in your oven. So so much!!

  2. So excited for you! Love your design board, his room will be amazing! Can't wait to see it. And that Oliver is just too stinkin' Cute!

  3. oliver is the cutest ever.... i am sure julian will be a good match for him though! ;) can't wait!

  4. Go Lisa, from one of your most devoted fans who enjoys your blog, your precious son and now waiting anxiously with joy for Julian....Go Lisa! <3

  5. Congrats! I found your blog through your sister who I found randomly. I started a blog also and never even did anything to it, it happens.
